Our Portfolio
Longly Capital has invested in a range of highly attractive sectors, including medical devices, innovative pharmaceuticals, AI technologies, and CDMO/CRO services, etc. The following presents examples from Longly Capital's portfolio:

Coyote Bioscience:a leading molecular diagnostic company in China, Coyote is one of the handful capable of providing both device solution and ICL lab services. Upstream and downstream coverage means the synergy can be generated between ICL service and the development of commercializable IVD kits and device. Coyote is one of first companies that launched nucleic based POCT device for Covid. The product along with regular diagnostic device have deployed in 4000 hospitals and clinical labs, making sustainable revenue and profit possible

BigFish Technology: BigFish become a comprehensive molecular analysis solution provider, with its full series automated nucleic acid and PCR based product line, in just 2 years since foundation. BigFish entered the market by promoting their product to non-clinical clients tripling its revenue in a single year. In 2020, BigFish developed the smallest and fastest onsite PCR POCT device in the world, making remote and onsite fast nucleic acid testing possible for various market and industry.

Ruiyuan Bioscience: As a dedicated modal animal center Ruiyuan differs itself among its competitors via being specialized in high quality non-human primate disease model, mostly in CNS area, including Alzheimer, Parkinson, autism, delirium or brain carcinomatosis. These models help the scientist with a more accurate understanding, both genetically and pathologically of the indication.

Zhongren Biotech: Specialized in sustained release technology, Zhongren has been applying its expertise in anti-tumor therapy by developing specialized excipients, sustain release formulation, and device, extracting more value from the platinum based conventional chemotherapy and has successfully deployed the therapy package in more than 600 general hospitals. One of their novel therapy assets has already completed out-licensing to Xiansheng Pharma (leading pharma in China) in a hundreds of million deal.